How to get back part of the money for procedures in your favorite beauty salons? now has over 200 beauty salons and spas in Moscow. And you can buy over 1600 different services at these establishments. Services at are called invitations. In fact,…

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All you need to know about dry skin
Dry skin is a myth for some, and for many a sentence. Most of us have been fighting annoying peeling all our lives and are awaiting the cold with horror,…

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Hair coloring
The hair of men and women has its own natural color, which does not always emphasize and gives individuality to a person. With age, gray hair begins to appear on…

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The desire to be healthy and beautiful is a natural need of a person. The ways to achieve this are so different and can be said to be unlimited, we will write about one of them below.

Su-Jok is a system of healing, rejuvenation, restoration of the whole body without the use of aggressive chemicals. At the heart of Su-Jok is a look at the human body as a single energy structure, all processes in which are interconnected.

Su-Jok is one of the areas of acupuncture, the method of which is based on exposing certain bilogically active points of the hands and feet with microneedles, magnets, plant seeds, and color. Continue reading

How to get back part of the money for procedures in your favorite beauty salons? now has over 200 beauty salons and spas in Moscow. And you can buy over 1600 different services at these establishments. Services at are called invitations. In fact,…


How to restore hair after the sea and the sun?
In summer, hair becomes more dry, brittle and dull when exposed to sunlight and active oxygen. Therefore, for the summer period, you need to choose shampoos, balms, conditioners and masks…


Is it safe in beauty salons?
Recently, more and more news and articles have appeared about how a low-quality procedure was carried out in some beauty salon, after which the health of the client was spoiled.…
