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Disinfection and sterilization: rules you should know by heart

Disinfection and sterilization of instruments in a beauty salon is a matter that needs to be closely monitored, because if a craftsman uses unprocessed instruments, even with minor damage to the skin there is an infection of the client. Keep a record of all disinfectants and preparations online. To do this, just connect the convenient Arnik program. Try Arnica In the beauty salon, hairdressers and clinics, they work with biomaterial that can store viruses, bacteria, staphylococci, fungi that threaten both the client and the master. Of course, in their work, beauty salons do not ask their clients to present health certificates, which is why it must be remembered that in order to destroy pathogens, the manicure tools used in the work must be systematically disinfected and sterilized. This task lies entirely on the shoulders of the master, so it is important to initially accustom your specialists to sterilization and disinfection, because working in a beauty salon requires responsibility and compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements. Compliance with sanitary standards in beauty salons and hairdressers is regulated by documents SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the placement, device, equipment, maintenance and operation of public utility organizations providing hairdressing and cosmetic services” and the Methodological Instructions for disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization of medical devices (order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 90 of 03/14/1996). SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the placement, arrangement, equipment, maintenance and operation of public utility organizations providing hairdressing and cosmetic services” Download the file in docx format Federal Law of 30.03.1999 N 52-ФЗ ( revised on 08/03/2018) “On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population” (as amended and additional, entered into force on 10/21/2018) Download the docx file. What is the difference between disinfection and sterilization? Disinfection kills all microorganisms except pathogens. Sterilization kills absolutely all microorganisms. There are a lot of funds that are used for disinfection in beauty elephants, however, we recommend that you always use the funds recommended by the doctor who oversees the salon for inspections. Photo: According to Article 9.2, disinfectants that have passed state registration are used. And this is exactly what the epidemiologist will tell you. Expert Opinion Anastasia Bown, Development Director, Training Center “Hand Master”, Novosibirsk It is important to properly train specialists, initially set the bar high. You can not save on your health and the health of customers! We pay great attention to theoretical knowledge in anatomy, physiology, dermatology, microbiology. This is done so that the specialist understands why sterilization and disinfection are necessary in our business. We also need to talk in detail about SanPiN regarding workplace processing and tools. ” What tools need to be disinfected and sterilized What to disinfect and what to sterilize from tools – let’s understand. wet cleaning using disinfectants is carried out 2 times a day; once a week general cleaning (there should be a schedule) with the use of disinfectant solutions; clamps, curlers, caps, nets for perm and coloring are washed under running water with detergent after each client; combs, brushes, scissors for cutting hair are washed after each client under running water, placed in sterilizers (approved for use and having instructions in Russian) or in disinfectant solutions according to the regimen applicable to fungal diseases; See also: Which sterilizer for manicure tools to choose pillows for pedicure and manicure should have an oilcloth cover and be treated after each client with a disinfectant solution according to the regime applicable to fungal diseases; baths for pedicure and manicure are immersed after each client in a disinfectant solution according to the regime applicable to fungal diseases; tools for pedicure, manicure, tattoo, piercing are sterilized and stored in disposable bags or in a sterilizer, provided that they are used within 1 hour; all instruments that can damage the skin after each client are placed in a disinfectant solution that is applied to the regimen for viral hepatitis, after which there is a pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization process. The main methods of disinfection and sterilization Disinfection of manicure instruments is a set of measures that ensure the death of pathogenic (pathogenic) and conditionally pathogenic microbes on environmental objects. Microbes – viruses, bacteria, spores. Environmental objects are understood as the skin of the hands and feet of the client, the hands of the master, tools, the surface of the workplace and cabinet. There are several stages of disinfection and sterilization.Types of disinfection of manicure tools Disinfection of tools and devices for manicure and pedicure can be chemical and physical. Chemical disinfection For chemical disinfection, solutions with a strong disinfecting effect are used. The choice of such funds is very wide, so we advise you to pay attention to the drugs from the list of recommendations of SES. Whichever method you choose, first of all, after work, the tool must be washed in special solutions or in running water, having been cleaned of possible biological residues using brushes. After this, the tool must be immersed in alcohol (denatured or hydrolyzed) with a strength of 70%, pouring it into a sealed vessel. It will be possible to use alcohol in no more than 150 procedures. Related articles Standards for a manicure room: SanPiN requirements for the placement and storage of materials Safety measures in a hairdressing salon Registration magazine for instructing at a workplace in a beauty salon Rotating disinfectants in a beauty salon How to process cutters for manicure Photo: Regarding electrical appliances, after each client, they are first cleaned mechanically, and then they are disinfected by double rubbing with alcohol, the plastic case is wiped with a 0.5% solution of chloramine. Physical disinfection The physical cleaning method involves the processing of high temperatures, boiling, calcining and the use of certain cleaning tools, for example, ultrasonic exposure. Ultrasonic baths are a container with a liquid to which an ultrasonic radiation source is attached. Under the influence of ultrasound, air bubbles form in a special liquid, which cleanse the instrument. Ultraviolet lamps, which have a bactericidal property, are also actively used. Types of sterilization Unlike disinfection, sterilization is the destruction of all microorganisms. Sterilization is required to do salons that carry out cosmetic procedures that are carried out with violation of the skin. The effectiveness of sterilization of instruments and devices directly depends on temperature, duration of exposure, concentration of the sterilizing agent, the initial number of microbes on the instrument. Sterilization methods are divided into thermal and chemical. Dry heat sterilization This appliance resembles an ordinary oven: the container where the instrument is located is heated to a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius, and at the end of processing (60 minutes), a timer is activated. Dry, hot air causes the bacterial cells to dry. The disadvantage of such sterilization is that it kills spores only after 10-11 hours, it is too long for the productive work of the beauty salon. In addition, it is not intended for combustible packaging materials of a sterilized instrument or plastic materials. But suitable tools are placed in a dry heat in kraft packages, which are unpacked directly at the client, which contributes to increased confidence in the salon. Glasperlen sterilizers One of the fastest sterilization methods, which takes from 20 seconds to 3 minutes. The device is a small cup filled with glasperlenny (glassy) balls, which are heated to a temperature of 230 degrees Celsius. There is only one drawback – only all-metal documents can be sterilized, and only the working part of the instruments immersed in balls can be sterilized. Most often used to process manicure and pedicure tools. Less glasperlenny and dry heat sterilizers These methods do not spare the cutting tool. Tongs and scissors quickly blunt when exposed to high temperatures. Steam Sterilization The most advanced thermal method is steam sterilization or autoclaving. For 15-40 minutes, the device, working on the principle of a double boiler (average temperature and pressure), kills all microorganisms without reacting with sterilized objects and without leaving sediment on the device. But there are also disadvantages – distilled water is needed to produce steam. Chemical means of sterilization Chemical sterilization, like disinfection, involves soaking instruments for a certain time in various chemicals. It is rather difficult to use such a method in a salon – firstly, fluids for chemical sterilization are very toxic, they require careful handling and storage. Secondly, the process of such sterilization is unsafe and requires careful preparation, special rooms and work clothing (sterile gloves, a bathrobe, mask, shoe covers). Each time after sterilization, the chemical solution must be neutralized with distilled water. Due to the difficult storage and handling conditions, chemical sterilization is not welcomed by SES authorities.

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Disinfection and sterilization: rules you should know by heart
Disinfection and sterilization of instruments in a beauty salon is a matter that needs to be closely monitored, because if a craftsman uses unprocessed instruments, even with minor damage to…
