In almost every beauty salon, you can be offered a pedicure service (care for your legs). There are several varieties of pedicure: classic, European, hardware, spa. Now we will briefly…

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In almost every beauty salon, you can be offered a pedicure service (care for your legs). There are several varieties of pedicure: classic, European, hardware, spa. Now we will briefly…

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Are “beauty procedures” harmful to women's health?
We women are ready for everything (well, or almost everything) in order to become the most beautiful. Selflessly we attend fitness classes three times a week, all types of massage…

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Notice the marks: Everything you need to know about tattoo removal

Do you have a tattoo that you want to get rid of? The reasons for this can be very different: from the “mistake of youth” to the discrepancy with the expectations or unprofessional work of the master. The good news: tattooing can be brought out, although it will take time, patience and financial investment. But what you need to know before you go to the salon, specifically found out from experts.
Surprisingly, there are still people who believe that tattooing can be eliminated at home. Bleaching agents are used, due to which, at best, the paint can blur and discolor, but is unlikely to go away completely. Another “way” to remove the tattoo is with iodine, which can leave scars on the skin. And again – no guarantee.

The only plus in these attempts to get a tattoo on your own is saving money. Then there are some disadvantages, among which are serious ones like chemical burns and scars, and also an unexpected shade of tattoo, which can no longer be removed even in a specialized salon.

Significantly “mask” the tattoo can be using chemical peels from cosmetologists, the effect will not be one hundred percent. Peeling affects the surface layers of the skin, and the tattoo is clogged deeper – therefore, it will not be possible to completely remove the paint.

The most effective way to remove permanent makeup today is the Q-switch laser. It is he who is able to solve this problem in several sessions. An undoubted plus is that the procedure is safe, after it there are no scars and traces.

The skin is pre-disinfected, and then the laser beam breaks the capsules with pigment into small microparticles, which are independently excreted by the body.
What does the patient feel?
Pain sensations are different for everyone and depend on the individual threshold of sensitivity. But basically these are sensations similar to those that feel when tattooing.

How many procedures will be needed?
Laser tattoo removal is carried out repeatedly. The number of sessions will depend on the depth, color and saturation of the tattoo: the brighter the permanent makeup, the correspondingly more procedures will be needed. On average, it will be from 3 to 10 procedures. The duration of each session is individual, but usually it lasts no more than 10 minutes.
Which paint is difficult to remove?
It is important to know what kind of paint was used when filling the tattoo, if it was a professional paint, then it is displayed completely. But unprofessional, not to mention the gel pen or ink, it is very difficult to print, but this is an extreme case – it is unlikely, now someone is making such tattoos, and even more so on the face. Generally speaking, more broadly, about a tattoo, and not just about a tattoo, the laser very poorly displays red and green colors. White is considered the heaviest pigment; it cannot be removed due to impurities of heavy metals in it. Below we recommend salons where you can remove tattoo and tattoo using the Q-switch laser.

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