How “tasty” to become beautiful? “Beauty requires sacrifice!”
 Every woman has been familiar with this phrase since childhood. She encourages herself with it when she refuses her favorite cocolate bar or puts harmful and corrosive paint on her…

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Cellulite How to deal with it?
So what are they - the means to combat cellulite, in addition to the above physical activity and proper nutrition? ABOUT! Just be patient to read all of them! You…

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Notice the marks: Everything you need to know about tattoo removal
Do you have a tattoo that you want to get rid of? The reasons for this can be very different: from the "mistake of youth" to the discrepancy with the…

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How to get back part of the money for procedures in your favorite beauty salons? now has over 200 beauty salons and spas in Moscow. And you can buy over 1600 different services at these establishments. Services at are called invitations. In fact,…


Japanese manicure
If your nails are weak, fragile and often flake, then there are two ways: either you continue to put up with it, or try a Japanese unedged manicure. This is…


The magic of relaxing massage
Undoubtedly, to relax and get rid of stress, massage is needed. After all, the basis of all diseases is precisely the feeling of tension. This is especially true for residents…
