Hair coloring
The hair of men and women has its own natural color, which does not always emphasize and gives individuality to a person. With age, gray hair begins to appear on…

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Cutting with hot scissors in the COLORIT salon
Which of us does not dream of beautiful long hair? But, unfortunately, the majority cannot achieve the desired length due to brittleness and split ends of the hair. As a…

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In almost every beauty salon, you can be offered a pedicure service (care for your legs). There are several varieties of pedicure: classic, European, hardware, spa. Now we will briefly…

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Waxing. How is it done in a beauty salon?

The procedure for removing unwanted hair with wax is becoming more and more popular in salons. Of course, not all women decide to go to this professional master. Many people prefer to remove unwanted vegetation on their own at home. Why is this happening? Someone is sorry to spend money on this procedure, and someone may just be shy. In this article, I will talk in detail about salon depilation and how professional masters do this procedure. Perhaps after reading one of the women decides to go to the salon, and the men will think about how much the women are ready to do to please them – the men. So, after you come to the salon and tell the master about your desire to make waxing, you will have to thoroughly diagnose the skin before starting the procedure. Continue reading

Mandatory treatments this fall!

The summer is over, and warm September is over. October greets us with a gloomy sky and cold rain. Everyone has already returned from vacations to the bustle of the city, to offices, to work, and now is the time to remember the skin and hair that have been under the hot sun all summer, and with the advent of autumn, they suffer from a lack of vitamins and dryness.

Oasis VIP specialists thought about you and put together a list of procedures that must be done in October and November.

Laser cosmetology
Mandatory treatments this fall!
1. Already there is no bright scorching sun, so you can safely do procedures for laser removal of blood vessels, age spots, papillomas and various skin neoplasms. Continue reading

Private master or beauty salon. What's better?
Among other daily troubles of any modern woman who wants to match the style of a big city, there are always many cosmetic procedures, massage, manicure, pedicure, makeup, styling. However,…


How to equip a beauty salon at home?
A modern woman, smart and beautiful, lives in such a frantic rhythm that she sorely lacks her favorite time to take care of herself. And I really want to look…


Hairdresser: how not to make a mistake in choosing?
A reliable, creative and trusted hairdresser is real happiness. One can only dream ... A call to the salon, an appointment with the master, came and agreed on a hairstyle,…
