Photorejuvenation. Questions that interest many
Doctor dermatologist, cosmetologist Korbutyak Darina Aleksandrovna answers your questions. Who needs photorejuvenation? - The rejuvenation procedure is suitable for both men and women with the problem of skin elasticity, age…

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Proper care for oily skin
This type of skin, as oily, has a need for thorough care. A distinctive feature of oily skin is shine and open pores. But it also has strengths, which is…

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Cutting with hot scissors in the COLORIT salon
Which of us does not dream of beautiful long hair? But, unfortunately, the majority cannot achieve the desired length due to brittleness and split ends of the hair. As a…

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Should a woman have puzzles? Part 2

What processes in beauty inducing should not be declassified before your men, even to the most outspoken and gullible women? We continue the list of secrets. 8. Chameleonism. How often do you change hair color? How often do you do this with your husband? Do you think that with a head covered with a coloring mass that changes color in front of an astonished husband, a plastic bag and drips of paint look attractive? Then you can safely start the story about how the paint has a bad effect on the skin and hair, overdries it, makes the hair split and dull and how much money is needed to restore the hair – this will finish it off completely. And the man’s cautious words that your hair is already beautiful, said at that moment, testify to his truly unlimited love for you. Believe me, he hardly wants to know what percentage of gray hair you have. Let us assume that a woman (and her hair) always remains young and beautiful. Continue reading

Eyebrows are my weakness. Perfect eyebrows are what make me indescribable delight. The correct shape and color, outlined a beautiful bend - such eyebrows are the real decoration of their…


The magic of relaxing massage
Undoubtedly, to relax and get rid of stress, massage is needed. After all, the basis of all diseases is precisely the feeling of tension. This is especially true for residents…


Hairdresser: how not to make a mistake in choosing?
A reliable, creative and trusted hairdresser is real happiness. One can only dream ... A call to the salon, an appointment with the master, came and agreed on a hairstyle,…
