Lamination and diamond hair color in a beauty salon
During the LAMINATION (biolamination) procedure, the surface of your hair is covered with a protective microfilm, due to which the hair becomes 10% thicker, acquires shine and smoothness. After the…

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Beautiful eyes
The beauty of the look, its expressiveness and charm. How to make your look brighter? An expressive look and mascara. Every day we apply mascara to our eyes and do…

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Top hardware procedures for fall
The hands of a massage therapist, cosmetologist and esthetician are all good, but smart hardware techniques offer new, modern ways to solve your problems. Below we will talk about the…

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enlarged pores

Proper care for oily skin
This type of skin, as oily, has a need for thorough care. A distinctive feature of oily skin is shine and open pores. But it also has strengths, which is…


Mandatory treatments this fall!
The summer is over, and warm September is over. October greets us with a gloomy sky and cold rain. Everyone has already returned from vacations to the bustle of the…


Waxing. How is it done in a beauty salon?
The procedure for removing unwanted hair with wax is becoming more and more popular in salons. Of course, not all women decide to go to this professional master. Many people…
