Top hardware procedures for fall
The hands of a massage therapist, cosmetologist and esthetician are all good, but smart hardware techniques offer new, modern ways to solve your problems. Below we will talk about the…

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How to cut a baby
Kids, like adults, need the services of a professional hairdresser. But not in every beauty salon they will be able to offer you a high-quality and most importantly professional haircut…

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Mandatory treatments this fall!
The summer is over, and warm September is over. October greets us with a gloomy sky and cold rain. Everyone has already returned from vacations to the bustle of the…

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How to cut a baby

Kids, like adults, need the services of a professional hairdresser. But not in every beauty salon they will be able to offer you a high-quality and most importantly professional haircut for the baby. The older the child, the visit to the hairdresser becomes more calm and positive, the child can sit in a chair and the hairdresser can cut a beautiful stylish haircut.

But what to do with a one-year-old child? After all, he also needs to be cut and not every mom can do it on her own! How to choose a master, and most importantly where to find him?

There are already professional hairdressers only for children, but good “aunts” or “uncles” do not always work in them, who love these very children and are ready to captivate the baby, to interest, at the same time, very quickly tidy up their hair so that they do not interfere and do not climbed into the eyes. It is difficult to talk about any special forms of haircuts at this age.

The most important thing is the contact of the baby and the hairdresser, of course it is best to cut the baby at home, in the usual conditions for him, not to cover with a peignoir, it is better to put it in the hands of mom. In these conditions, it will be easier for the master to establish contact with the child and to cut the hair qualitatively and not cause fear and crying in the baby before the haircut.

If mother decided to cut her own miracle herself, then you need to have patience, interesting toys and a lot of free time, because the child always needs something from the mother.
The main thing is to show to friends and relatives that it is not so scary to cut your hair, then try to let a little play with a comb and clips so that the baby takes an active part in his haircut, show in the mirror all the stages of the haircut, play during the haircut, talk.

The main points in the haircut should be the convenience of haircuts and the openness of the child’s face. A flat bang and a little cut of the main length – that’s the whole haircut!

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