Voluminous hair
Healthy thick hair is an adornment that eclipses any diamonds! Voluminous hair will hide many face flaws - oval, wrinkles, asymmetry, and even small growth. A few tips to give…

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Hair coloring
The hair of men and women has its own natural color, which does not always emphasize and gives individuality to a person. With age, gray hair begins to appear on…

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Proper care for oily skin
This type of skin, as oily, has a need for thorough care. A distinctive feature of oily skin is shine and open pores. But it also has strengths, which is…

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How to promote a beauty salon on Instagram yourself and without high costs

How to make a blog on Instagram attractive # Instagram content or content for Instagram Content is the most important carrier of information about your beauty salon. With the help of this information, customers will learn about services, principles of work, latest news, achievements. Content, first of all, should be credible, only then sell. Stages of working with content: Write a content plan. Make a rubricator. In each section, write the topic of posts. Learn from subscribers what materials they are most interested in. You can also identify interest by looking at the popularity of posts by impressions and engagement of subscribers. For example, this can be done using the Parasite service. For promotion on Instagram you need to use different information, depending on the tasks. Consider the different types of posts. Entertainment and informational posts: Mission and philosophy of the salon. For example: “With us you will find unique spa programs with which you will find harmony of body and spirit”; Talk about new trends in hairstyles or fashion in general; Funny cases from work; Positive company news; Life stories of employees. To have more time and effort to promote on Instagram, you can automate other areas of beauty management. For example, organize an online record of customers without your participation, keep a record of supplies in a convenient program. Automate Training and reputation posts: Tell about the victories of your salon or master in a professional competition, obtaining a diploma, advanced training; Guide or tips for using cream / shampoo / varnish, which are sold in your salon; Talk about how long it takes to learn how to professionally cut or do procedures; If you participate in charity events to help children, patients, animals – also tell about it. Posts for sales: Price with prices and stocks; Your benefits. It can be: convenient location, cosmetologists of the highest category, discounts on the 2nd service in the check, etc. Guest reviews; Announcements of new services / products; Answers to questions from subscribers from the masters of the salon; Other posts Expert interviews; Useful resources about the beauty and fashion industry; A selection of quotes from famous people. Instafoto or visual filling of the profile To promote on Instagram, it is desirable to develop your own style of photo and video: fonts, colors, filters for graphics and photos. Images must be of high quality. It’s not necessary to make all photos studio, you can add a little “trash” to the tape, for example, photos of your legs before and after shaving – it sells well. However, this is a game on the edge – customers may not understand your humor. Applications for working with photos: Avatan. In addition to the standard photo processing, you can upload your own effects, frames, textures. The program is free for Ios and Android, you can work through a browser. AvterFocus. Creates a shallow depth of field – focus on the important, and the background is blurred. It costs 75 rubles, only for iOS. Color Recolor. Changes the color of the photo as a whole or the details on it. Free for iOS. Canva. You can set the contrast, brightness, add text with creative fonts. There is an online catalog of 2 million photos. The program is free. Lumyer. Adds special effects to photos and videos. For example, snow flakes may fly in the photo. The program is free for Android and IOS. Vigo Video. Video editor for work in story. It has many effects. Free, there are built-in paid features. For Android and iOS. Lightroom. Mobile version of Photoshop. The most diverse tools for professional photo processing. Most of the features are free. Snapseed An application for very fast and very high-quality processing: lighten without loss of quality, increase sharpness, balance light, crop, expand, expand the photo, draw, combine several different photos. Is free. Sources of photos for Instagram: https://www.shutterstock.com – paid photo stock with a huge selection of photos; https://unsplash.com – no registration needed, all photos are free; https://pixabay.com – more than 1 million free photos. Without registering. Photo from pixabay https://www.flickr.com – you can download photos by topic groups; https://picjumbo.com – free stock glossy photos. # Instoris or how to use stories to promote the Storis beauty salon “lives” in just 24 hours. The optimal amount of story per day is 2-4. Promoted salons daily publish up to 10 stories in the tape and at least 1 post. However, you should still study the interest of your audience, since many customers like to watch the master around the clock. In addition, recent polls from top Instagram bloggers have shown that the most favorite story among readers is just an online record of who and what is doing at the moment. In our case, just shoot the process of cutting or microblading and joking.

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Hair coloring
The hair of men and women has its own natural color, which does not always emphasize and gives individuality to a person. With age, gray hair begins to appear on…


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