Voluminous hair
Healthy thick hair is an adornment that eclipses any diamonds! Voluminous hair will hide many face flaws - oval, wrinkles, asymmetry, and even small growth. A few tips to give…

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Facial rejuvenation
A young face after 40 is possible, but you should think about it today. I am 20 - I am young and beautiful, I am 25 - I am still…

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Myths and truth about laser hair removal
Laser hair removal - laser hair removal. This method of removing unwanted hair is gaining more and more popularity in our country. For 20 years, European women have successfully used…

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complete relaxation


In almost every beauty salon, you can be offered a pedicure service (care for your legs). There are several varieties of pedicure: classic, European, hardware, spa.

Now we will briefly describe each of these types of pedicure so that you can choose the most suitable foot care for you.

Classic pedicure is a classic that has gone through many years of practical use, it uses forceps-nippers and a safety razor. The feet are soaked, steamed in a special foot bath, after which the corns, cuticles, corns with a safety razor are removed, the nails are adjusted, the feet are softened and moisturized, and foot massage is also possible after the procedure. Continue reading

Facial rejuvenation
A young face after 40 is possible, but you should think about it today. I am 20 - I am young and beautiful, I am 25 - I am still…


Voluminous hair
Healthy thick hair is an adornment that eclipses any diamonds! Voluminous hair will hide many face flaws - oval, wrinkles, asymmetry, and even small growth. A few tips to give…


Recommendations to the owners of beauty salons to attract new customers
1. Analyze the loading of your beauty salon. I think that you can highlight a day or two, in which the beauty salon is not fully loaded and the masters…
