Eyebrows are my weakness. Perfect eyebrows are what make me indescribable delight. The correct shape and color, outlined a beautiful bend - such eyebrows are the real decoration of their…

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Proper combination skin care
Combined (mixed) is a mixture of two types of skin - oily (most often this is the T-zone: forehead, nose and chin) and dry. A feature of combination skin is…

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Hairdresser: how not to make a mistake in choosing?
A reliable, creative and trusted hairdresser is real happiness. One can only dream ... A call to the salon, an appointment with the master, came and agreed on a hairstyle,…

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The magic of relaxing massage

Undoubtedly, to relax and get rid of stress, massage is needed.

After all, the basis of all diseases is precisely the feeling of tension. This is especially true for residents of the city, with their fast pace of life, gassed air and inability to control themselves. Therefore, everyone should remember that relaxation is the main way to heal from ailments.

Why is a relaxing massage useful?
The magic of a relaxing massage
It helps to cope with stress, which means it prevents the development of the disease, and its appearance as well. Continue reading

Cellulite How to deal with it?
So what are they - the means to combat cellulite, in addition to the above physical activity and proper nutrition? ABOUT! Just be patient to read all of them! You…


Photorejuvenation. Questions that interest many
Doctor dermatologist, cosmetologist Korbutyak Darina Aleksandrovna answers your questions. Who needs photorejuvenation? - The rejuvenation procedure is suitable for both men and women with the problem of skin elasticity, age…


Mandatory treatments this fall!
The summer is over, and warm September is over. October greets us with a gloomy sky and cold rain. Everyone has already returned from vacations to the bustle of the…
