Facial rejuvenation
A young face after 40 is possible, but you should think about it today. I am 20 - I am young and beautiful, I am 25 - I am still…

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Beauty industry. Downtrend?
Recently, entrepreneurs who work in Russia in the beauty industry have noticed a decline in demand for their services. What is the reason? Is this a temporary phenomenon or an…

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Disinfection and sterilization: rules you should know by heart
Disinfection and sterilization of instruments in a beauty salon is a matter that needs to be closely monitored, because if a craftsman uses unprocessed instruments, even with minor damage to…

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lumbar region

How to get back part of the money for procedures in your favorite beauty salons?

Salonda.ru now has over 200 beauty salons and spas in Moscow. And you can buy over 1600 different services at these establishments. Services at Salonda.ru are called invitations. In fact, these are certificates familiar to everyone as a gift, but “for yourself”. Notably, the cost of the invitation is equal to the price of this service in the salon. But an important point, the highlight of the project is that Salonda.ru returns you 10% of the cost of each invitation purchased to a personal account on the site. And that’s not all … If you went to a salon and wrote a review – get 50 points / rub for this. For each friend invited to the program – another 50 points / rub. Points are accumulated very quickly. Thus, visiting beauty salons is much cheaper. And the more often you buy invitations, the greater the savings. Continue reading

Japanese manicure

If your nails are weak, fragile and often flake, then there are two ways: either you continue to put up with it, or try a Japanese unedged manicure. This is a complex procedure that allows you to get a healthy, strong and surprisingly strong nail plate, as well as moisturize your skin. A method based on stimulating the processes of natural regeneration and restoration of tissue cells is today considered one of the most effective and popular in the world. Already interested? Read the details below!

The main distinguishing feature or even the pride of Japanese manicure is the use of exclusively environmentally friendly and natural materials and compositions in the work. The method is based on a systematic individual diagnosis, after which the wizard selects a personal approach that allows you to solve the problems of nails and skin of the hands. Continue reading

The magic of relaxing massage

Undoubtedly, to relax and get rid of stress, massage is needed.

After all, the basis of all diseases is precisely the feeling of tension. This is especially true for residents of the city, with their fast pace of life, gassed air and inability to control themselves. Therefore, everyone should remember that relaxation is the main way to heal from ailments.

Why is a relaxing massage useful?
The magic of a relaxing massage
It helps to cope with stress, which means it prevents the development of the disease, and its appearance as well. Continue reading

Recommendations to the owners of beauty salons to attract new customers
1. Analyze the loading of your beauty salon. I think that you can highlight a day or two, in which the beauty salon is not fully loaded and the masters…


Japanese manicure
If your nails are weak, fragile and often flake, then there are two ways: either you continue to put up with it, or try a Japanese unedged manicure. This is…


How to promote a beauty salon on Instagram yourself and without high costs
How to make a blog on Instagram attractive # Instagram content or content for Instagram Content is the most important carrier of information about your beauty salon. With the help…
