Redermalization - the secret of eternal youth!
If the word "Redermalization" is thoroughly translated from the Latin language, it turns out that "re" is restoration, and "derma" is the main layer of the skin, it is responsible…

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Top hardware procedures for fall
The hands of a massage therapist, cosmetologist and esthetician are all good, but smart hardware techniques offer new, modern ways to solve your problems. Below we will talk about the…

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Myths and truth about laser hair removal
Laser hair removal - laser hair removal. This method of removing unwanted hair is gaining more and more popularity in our country. For 20 years, European women have successfully used…

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10 ways to deal with depression in the autumn – winter

Taking care of your beauty every day, we understand that if a person’s internal state is at zero or even in a minus, then not one beauty industry wizard can hide his external manifestations. We want you to not only look healthy and beautiful, but also to feel so.

Your every day is full of work, a fast pace of life, stress and everyday worries. In autumn and winter, this is especially acute. In the morning, looking at the alarm clock, the mood is sharply reduced, one feels a breakdown and fatigue. And what is it: a spleen that is quickly treated with chocolate, or is depression a special kind of gloom?

Why is depression terrible?
10 ways to deal with depression in the autumn – winter Continue reading

How to cut a baby
Kids, like adults, need the services of a professional hairdresser. But not in every beauty salon they will be able to offer you a high-quality and most importantly professional haircut…


All you need to know about dry skin
Dry skin is a myth for some, and for many a sentence. Most of us have been fighting annoying peeling all our lives and are awaiting the cold with horror,…


Are “beauty procedures” harmful to women's health?
We women are ready for everything (well, or almost everything) in order to become the most beautiful. Selflessly we attend fitness classes three times a week, all types of massage…
