Facial rejuvenation
A young face after 40 is possible, but you should think about it today. I am 20 - I am young and beautiful, I am 25 - I am still…

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Proper care for oily skin
This type of skin, as oily, has a need for thorough care. A distinctive feature of oily skin is shine and open pores. But it also has strengths, which is…

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Disinfection and sterilization: rules you should know by heart
Disinfection and sterilization of instruments in a beauty salon is a matter that needs to be closely monitored, because if a craftsman uses unprocessed instruments, even with minor damage to…

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All you need to know about dry skin

Dry skin is a myth for some, and for many a sentence. Most of us have been fighting annoying peeling all our lives and are awaiting the cold with horror, armed with the fattest protective agent. Anyone who knows dryness knows how harmful this lady is and what surprises she likes to surprise unpleasantly. And those who first encountered it should first of all get to the bottom of the problem, because it can be associated not only with a lack of moisture or poorly selected powder. Let’s try to figure it out with the leading cosmetologist of New York, Bruce Katz.

Near the eyes Continue reading

Top hardware procedures for fall
The hands of a massage therapist, cosmetologist and esthetician are all good, but smart hardware techniques offer new, modern ways to solve your problems. Below we will talk about the…


Cutting with hot scissors in the COLORIT salon
Which of us does not dream of beautiful long hair? But, unfortunately, the majority cannot achieve the desired length due to brittleness and split ends of the hair. As a…


Recommendations to the owners of beauty salons to attract new customers
1. Analyze the loading of your beauty salon. I think that you can highlight a day or two, in which the beauty salon is not fully loaded and the masters…
