Disinfection and sterilization: rules you should know by heart
Disinfection and sterilization of instruments in a beauty salon is a matter that needs to be closely monitored, because if a craftsman uses unprocessed instruments, even with minor damage to…

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Hair coloring
The hair of men and women has its own natural color, which does not always emphasize and gives individuality to a person. With age, gray hair begins to appear on…

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Proper combination skin care
Combined (mixed) is a mixture of two types of skin - oily (most often this is the T-zone: forehead, nose and chin) and dry. A feature of combination skin is…

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correction technique

Top hardware procedures for fall

The hands of a massage therapist, cosmetologist and esthetician are all good, but smart hardware techniques offer new, modern ways to solve your problems. Below we will talk about the most effective and popular hardware procedures. Add them to your beauty plan for the fall, and your reflection in the mirror will thank you!
An ultrasonic generator for skin rejuvenation LDM® Medical Spa is waiting for you in the SPA Studio beauty salon. The innovative device uses Wellcomet technology – ultrasonic waves penetrate the skin by 3 mm and activate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, contribute to the retention of moisture in the connective tissue. Through the use of ultrasonic waves with different and rapidly changing frequencies, a locally dynamic massage arises (the very abbreviation LDM in the name of the device). Continue reading

10 ways to deal with depression in the autumn - winter
Taking care of your beauty every day, we understand that if a person’s internal state is at zero or even in a minus, then not one beauty industry wizard can…


Expose Myths of Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal - what is it? Expose Myths of Laser Hair Removal This eliminates unwanted hair without damaging the skin. The main advantage of this procedure is that the…


Professional express procedure "WOWmask"
Why is the beauty of our country most often choosing this procedure? Visible result in one procedure Time (40 min) Long lasting effect and cumulative effect. What problems does this…
