Is it safe in beauty salons?
Recently, more and more news and articles have appeared about how a low-quality procedure was carried out in some beauty salon, after which the health of the client was spoiled.…

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Dry skin? You need proper care
Most often, women have dry skin. At a young age, it looks elastic, thin, matte, there are almost no wrinkles on it. But such a skin has a lack of…

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Proper combination skin care
Combined (mixed) is a mixture of two types of skin - oily (most often this is the T-zone: forehead, nose and chin) and dry. A feature of combination skin is…

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Hair coloring

The hair of men and women has its own natural color, which does not always emphasize and gives individuality to a person. With age, gray hair begins to appear on the head, the natural color begins to fade.

Cosmetics, such as hair dyes and colored hair care, come to help to give confidence, grooming and a healthy appearance of hair.

The more natural and natural the color of dyed hair looks, the more high-quality paint is used. The ideal shade of hair color is selected by a professional colorist. Uniform hair color, a beautiful shade only pleases and returns a satisfied client to the master. Continue reading

Myths and truth about laser hair removal
Laser hair removal - laser hair removal. This method of removing unwanted hair is gaining more and more popularity in our country. For 20 years, European women have successfully used…


Eyebrows are my weakness. Perfect eyebrows are what make me indescribable delight. The correct shape and color, outlined a beautiful bend - such eyebrows are the real decoration of their…


Proper combination skin care
Combined (mixed) is a mixture of two types of skin - oily (most often this is the T-zone: forehead, nose and chin) and dry. A feature of combination skin is…
