Professional express procedure "WOWmask"
Why is the beauty of our country most often choosing this procedure? Visible result in one procedure Time (40 min) Long lasting effect and cumulative effect. What problems does this…

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What makes a beauty salon, hairdresser or spa salon successful?
What makes a beauty salon, hairdresser or spa salon successful? 11/26/2012 Today, spas and beauty salons appear all over the country. You probably noticed that there are more and more…

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Top hardware procedures for fall
The hands of a massage therapist, cosmetologist and esthetician are all good, but smart hardware techniques offer new, modern ways to solve your problems. Below we will talk about the…

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Hair coloring

The hair of men and women has its own natural color, which does not always emphasize and gives individuality to a person. With age, gray hair begins to appear on the head, the natural color begins to fade.

Cosmetics, such as hair dyes and colored hair care, come to help to give confidence, grooming and a healthy appearance of hair.

The more natural and natural the color of dyed hair looks, the more high-quality paint is used. The ideal shade of hair color is selected by a professional colorist. Uniform hair color, a beautiful shade only pleases and returns a satisfied client to the master. Continue reading

Facial rejuvenation

A young face after 40 is possible, but you should think about it today.

I am 20 – I am young and beautiful, I am 25 – I am still young and my skin is still shining from the inside.

At 30, I look at my reflection and observe the first traces of subtle wrinkles on the folds of the lips and on the forehead, they are more noticeable than the others, but still my face can not be called wilted. And now 35, 40 … there comes a time when makeup no longer hides skin aging, and expensive creams do not help in the struggle for youth and elasticity of the skin. Continue reading

Are “beauty procedures” harmful to women's health?
We women are ready for everything (well, or almost everything) in order to become the most beautiful. Selflessly we attend fitness classes three times a week, all types of massage…


Fashionable makeup and manicure in February
Makeup Naturalness is the trend of this winter. The main task of makeup this season is to emphasize and highlight the naturalness and healthy appearance of the skin. The skin…


Lamination and diamond hair color in a beauty salon
During the LAMINATION (biolamination) procedure, the surface of your hair is covered with a protective microfilm, due to which the hair becomes 10% thicker, acquires shine and smoothness. After the…
