10 ways to deal with depression in the autumn - winter
Taking care of your beauty every day, we understand that if a person’s internal state is at zero or even in a minus, then not one beauty industry wizard can…

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In almost every beauty salon, you can be offered a pedicure service (care for your legs). There are several varieties of pedicure: classic, European, hardware, spa. Now we will briefly…

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In almost every beauty salon, you can be offered a pedicure service (care for your legs). There are several varieties of pedicure: classic, European, hardware, spa. Now we will briefly…

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Facial rejuvenation

A young face after 40 is possible, but you should think about it today.

I am 20 – I am young and beautiful, I am 25 – I am still young and my skin is still shining from the inside.

At 30, I look at my reflection and observe the first traces of subtle wrinkles on the folds of the lips and on the forehead, they are more noticeable than the others, but still my face can not be called wilted. And now 35, 40 … there comes a time when makeup no longer hides skin aging, and expensive creams do not help in the struggle for youth and elasticity of the skin. Continue reading

Proper combination skin care
Combined (mixed) is a mixture of two types of skin - oily (most often this is the T-zone: forehead, nose and chin) and dry. A feature of combination skin is…


How to restore hair after the sea and the sun?
In summer, hair becomes more dry, brittle and dull when exposed to sunlight and active oxygen. Therefore, for the summer period, you need to choose shampoos, balms, conditioners and masks…


Hairdresser: how not to make a mistake in choosing?
A reliable, creative and trusted hairdresser is real happiness. One can only dream ... A call to the salon, an appointment with the master, came and agreed on a hairstyle,…
