Top - February 10 most desired gifts
Every time before the holidays, everyone has the same question, “What to give?”. And the main task is what to give, in order to please;) You can make one huge…

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Redermalization - the secret of eternal youth!
If the word "Redermalization" is thoroughly translated from the Latin language, it turns out that "re" is restoration, and "derma" is the main layer of the skin, it is responsible…

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Beauty industry. Downtrend?
Recently, entrepreneurs who work in Russia in the beauty industry have noticed a decline in demand for their services. What is the reason? Is this a temporary phenomenon or an…

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Voluminous hair

Healthy thick hair is an adornment that eclipses any diamonds!

Voluminous hair will hide many face flaws – oval, wrinkles, asymmetry, and even small growth.

A few tips to give your hair shine and perfect volume.

Volumetric haircut for short hair

A well-designed haircut gives the hair an extra volume and the shorter the length of the hair, the more voluminous haircut can be created. Thus, thin hair will look beautiful, vibrant and voluminous. A haircut combined with professional styling can create extra volume. Continue reading

How to cut a baby
Kids, like adults, need the services of a professional hairdresser. But not in every beauty salon they will be able to offer you a high-quality and most importantly professional haircut…


Top - February 10 most desired gifts
Every time before the holidays, everyone has the same question, “What to give?”. And the main task is what to give, in order to please;) You can make one huge…


Cutting with hot scissors in the COLORIT salon
Which of us does not dream of beautiful long hair? But, unfortunately, the majority cannot achieve the desired length due to brittleness and split ends of the hair. As a…
