Hair coloring
The hair of men and women has its own natural color, which does not always emphasize and gives individuality to a person. With age, gray hair begins to appear on…

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How to equip a beauty salon at home?
A modern woman, smart and beautiful, lives in such a frantic rhythm that she sorely lacks her favorite time to take care of herself. And I really want to look…

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Proper care for oily skin
This type of skin, as oily, has a need for thorough care. A distinctive feature of oily skin is shine and open pores. But it also has strengths, which is…

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Hairdresser: how not to make a mistake in choosing?

A reliable, creative and trusted hairdresser is real happiness. One can only dream … A call to the salon, an appointment with the master, came and agreed on a hairstyle, offered several options, sat down in a chair, after a while opened their eyes and admired the result … Unfortunately, this does not always happen.

Sometimes the master simply leaves without leaving contacts, but it happens that you can’t find a good hairdresser “in the afternoon with fire”. What to do if you so want to always look at 100%? Need to look for it! But how?

Hairdresser: how not to make a mistake in choosing? Continue reading

Children's haircuts in beauty salons and hairdressers
Little fashionistas also need to visit beauty salons and hairdressers, the master, his attitude and the quality of the haircut are also important for them. How to approach the design…


How “tasty” to become beautiful? “Beauty requires sacrifice!”
 Every woman has been familiar with this phrase since childhood. She encourages herself with it when she refuses her favorite cocolate bar or puts harmful and corrosive paint on her…


Cutting with hot scissors in the COLORIT salon
Which of us does not dream of beautiful long hair? But, unfortunately, the majority cannot achieve the desired length due to brittleness and split ends of the hair. As a…
