Lamination and diamond hair color in a beauty salon
During the LAMINATION (biolamination) procedure, the surface of your hair is covered with a protective microfilm, due to which the hair becomes 10% thicker, acquires shine and smoothness. After the…

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The desire to be healthy and beautiful is a natural need of a person. The ways to achieve this are so different and can be said to be unlimited, we…

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Redermalization - the secret of eternal youth!
If the word "Redermalization" is thoroughly translated from the Latin language, it turns out that "re" is restoration, and "derma" is the main layer of the skin, it is responsible…

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The desire to be healthy and beautiful is a natural need of a person. The ways to achieve this are so different and can be said to be unlimited, we will write about one of them below.

Su-Jok is a system of healing, rejuvenation, restoration of the whole body without the use of aggressive chemicals. At the heart of Su-Jok is a look at the human body as a single energy structure, all processes in which are interconnected.

Su-Jok is one of the areas of acupuncture, the method of which is based on exposing certain bilogically active points of the hands and feet with microneedles, magnets, plant seeds, and color. Continue reading

Beauty industry. Downtrend?
Recently, entrepreneurs who work in Russia in the beauty industry have noticed a decline in demand for their services. What is the reason? Is this a temporary phenomenon or an…


Notice the marks: Everything you need to know about tattoo removal
Do you have a tattoo that you want to get rid of? The reasons for this can be very different: from the "mistake of youth" to the discrepancy with the…


Myths and truth about laser hair removal
Laser hair removal - laser hair removal. This method of removing unwanted hair is gaining more and more popularity in our country. For 20 years, European women have successfully used…
