How to get back part of the money for procedures in your favorite beauty salons? now has over 200 beauty salons and spas in Moscow. And you can buy over 1600 different services at these establishments. Services at are called invitations. In fact,…

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The magic of relaxing massage
Undoubtedly, to relax and get rid of stress, massage is needed. After all, the basis of all diseases is precisely the feeling of tension. This is especially true for residents…

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Women over 50 years of age need light surgical intervention to maintain the beauty and youth of the face and neck. Lifting (lifting) is a cosmetic operation that is performed…

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Monthly Archives: October 2017


The desire to be healthy and beautiful is a natural need of a person. The ways to achieve this are so different and can be said to be unlimited, we will write about one of them below.

Su-Jok is a system of healing, rejuvenation, restoration of the whole body without the use of aggressive chemicals. At the heart of Su-Jok is a look at the human body as a single energy structure, all processes in which are interconnected.

Su-Jok is one of the areas of acupuncture, the method of which is based on exposing certain bilogically active points of the hands and feet with microneedles, magnets, plant seeds, and color. Continue reading

Facial rejuvenation

A young face after 40 is possible, but you should think about it today.

I am 20 – I am young and beautiful, I am 25 – I am still young and my skin is still shining from the inside.

At 30, I look at my reflection and observe the first traces of subtle wrinkles on the folds of the lips and on the forehead, they are more noticeable than the others, but still my face can not be called wilted. And now 35, 40 … there comes a time when makeup no longer hides skin aging, and expensive creams do not help in the struggle for youth and elasticity of the skin. Continue reading

Beautiful eyes
The beauty of the look, its expressiveness and charm. How to make your look brighter? An expressive look and mascara. Every day we apply mascara to our eyes and do…


Children's haircuts in beauty salons and hairdressers
Little fashionistas also need to visit beauty salons and hairdressers, the master, his attitude and the quality of the haircut are also important for them. How to approach the design…


Dry skin? You need proper care
Most often, women have dry skin. At a young age, it looks elastic, thin, matte, there are almost no wrinkles on it. But such a skin has a lack of…
